This is to inform you that a new technical report CIE 083:2019 – Guide for the Lighting of Sports Events for Colour Television and Film Systems, 3rd Edition has been published, the press releases for which you can find uploaded to the CollTool. Note that this report replaces CIE 083-1989 „Guide for the Lighting of Sports Events for Colour Television and Film Systems, 2nd edition”.
To promote the sales of this publication, please circulate the information included in the press release to all pertinent organizations and institutions in your country. This is a friendly reminder to please send your members the discount code to enable them to access the discounted purchase price.
Please note that the National Committees on the distribution list will be sent the coupon code for odering the above online through our webshop in the coming two weeks. That being said, let me kindly bring to your attention that this discount is strictly for use of NCs. It is not intended for circulation to the members of your NC. In order for the NC 80% discount to take effect, you are to enter the code in the shopping cart that takes place before checkout.
for NC Members: EUR 32,–
for Non-Members: EUR 96,–
If you have any problems logging into CollTool to access the press releases respectively if you need assistance with ordering CIE 083:2019, please contact me for advice.